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![]() ==> “家福”品牌创始人廖世芳先生是德化陶瓷艺术爱好者之一,也是白手创业浪潮中的典型代表,与廖少帮、廖少华三兄弟从零开始,用心经营,一步一步的发展壮大,是机遇也是“天道酬勤”的恩赐,是众家客户共同合作的结果,现肩负“德化名瓷-瓷国明珠”古老文明的继承,发扬创新精神的双重责任。==> 福建省德化县家福瓷业有限公司位于千年古县、中国三大古瓷都之一《德化县》。历经5年开拓与发展,集研发、生产、内外贸易于一体的现代陶艺企业。 About UsWe are a professional ceramic manufacturer, located in Dehua, which has been famous for its ceramic products since ancient times and which is one of China's three 'Ceramic Hometowns'.The ceramic products that are developed by our company integrate the advantages of shaping, carving and painting. They are not only novel and beautiful in their shapes but also excellent in their variable carving styles. They have inherited the features of natural beauty expressed in ancient paintings as well as leadin... [详细介绍] |