我厂立足于世界知名石雕生产基地、(雕刻之乡)河北省曲阳县、地理位置优越,交通便利, 曲阳石雕是曲阳的民间艺术,历史悠久、石雕艺人层出不穷、有着几千年的石雕历史文化底蕴、曲阳是中国最大的雕塑艺术生产基地,石雕不仅走遍全国各地、而且还走出了国门,把神圣的石雕艺术播撒到了世界的每个角落。 我厂以谦虚踏实,不断创新,勇于进取、务真求实的作风,使雕塑艺术更加灿烂辉煌、于设计、生产、安装、售后维护、整体性作业一体化服务。继承发扬了(雕刻之乡)的优良传统。造就一只高技能高素质团队,承接各种大型雕塑工程。能够保证产品工程在预期内顺利交付使用。 我厂生产各种产品系列;浮雕壁画、石雕栏杆、花盆花瓶石雕,花钵雕塑、石雕喷泉,石雕风水球、东\西方人物雕塑,壁炉石雕,石雕凉亭、石雕长廊、石雕花架,盘龙柱雕刻、罗马柱雕刻、壁泉雕刻、洗手盆雕刻、石雕栏板、石雕胸像、石材浴盆,抽象雕塑、石凳石椅石桌、观音菩萨雕像、罗汉佛像、动物灵兽雕塑,防腐石材、校园雕塑、景观雕塑、纪念型雕刻、景观石及园林建筑雕塑产品,做工精细逼真,件件精品。 我厂产品广泛应用于广场、园林、景观、庙宇、校园、别墅、家居、桑拿洗浴中心、大酒店、度假村、国宾馆、飞机场、写字楼、景区、体育场、化工厂车间防腐、企事业单位、市政园林环境建设工程等、适用面非常广范。 我们诚恳的欢迎海内外各界朋友及新老客户来厂光临做客、洽谈业务、携手合作。更加欢迎前来雕刻之乡观光旅游! Our company established in 1999, located in the Dangcheng Carving Economic Zone of Quyang County, which is well-known as “the Home of Carving “, Hebei Province in China. Our Managing scope include Portrait in Eastern and Western style, Indoor and outdoor decoration, Garden architecture, Animals , Abstracts and Slabs with difference specifications, shapes and so on, which can meet the request of different customers. Each article of “Golden River” has the best quality and unique originality, we are trying our best to make the relationship between stone carvings and environment be harmonious and beautify our common life space. Stone carving is the folk arts and crafts of Quyang with a long history, as humane symbol, “Golden River” is outstanding in this field. Our products are mainly exported to Italy, U.S.A., England, Germany, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Spain, Canada, Hungary and so on and enjoy a high reputation in many countries and areas. |